
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world. Building on our expertise in customs regulations and international trade, we aim to be a leader in this field by developing technology that automates legal knowledge, making it more accessible.

To accelerate our growth, we are seeking investment. If you're interested, please contact us at enrika@customsclear.net or +370 644 65553 for more information.

AI is the future

According to Samaipata, recent developments in AI are unlocking a new level of automation, AI can autonomously execute entire tasks and replace human labor in certain roles, software tools can execute tasks autonomously. Additionally, Sakana AI introduced “The AI Scientist” – the first comprehensive system for fully automatic scientific discovery. With the help of this system, Large Language Models (LLMs) can perform research independently without needing human scientists. One unique feature of AI is its ability to improve itself. AI is developing dramatically fast (according to McKinsey, a majority of firms have adopted AI in at least one function), and reshaping entire businesses. Although it is agreed that AI has limitation currently, it is believed thаt in the future, АI will be аble tо beаt humаns in аll соgnitive tаsks, it’s believed that AI will be a part of everyday life in a very near future.

The generative AI market was estimated to reach $36 billion in 2024. And its global market size is expected to reach $356 billion by 2030.

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The market size in the overall AI market was estimated to reach $184 billion in 2024. And its global market size is expected to reach $827 billion by 2030.

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The market size is expected to show an annual growth rate of 27-42%.

Samaipata “AI is shaking up the software market, for the better
Sakana “The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discoveryr
Simplilearn “Future of AI: Trends, Impacts, and Predictionsr
McKinsey “End-to-end AI transformationr
Forbes “Where Will Artificial Intelligence Take Us In The Future?r
Semrush “Top Generative AI Statistics and 12 Trends To Knowr
Statista “Artificial Intelligence – Worldwider

Challenges in global trade

Nowadays countries face different and complex challenges in global trade. Political changes allow for extreme parties to enter governance, and this creates many uncertainties. For instance, it is expected that trade wars (tariffs, quotas, subsidies, restrictions, etc.) may erupt in the next 1-3 years among various countries globally. Terrorism, wars, green economy regulations and other circumstances cause many countries to implement sanctions, restrictions or prohibitions on specific goods. Each country has different laws and regulations, different tax systems, and all of this make global trade significantly complex. Additionally, it is already noted, that e-commerce changed global trade models, with significantly increased amount in various shipments. The amount of customs declarations increased over customs of various countries. According to World Trade Organization, volume of world merchandise exports increased by 2.5% annually during period of 2010-2022, and volume of world merchandise imports increased by 2.7% annually during same period. On top of that, the value of trade of world merchandise exports and imports increased by 4% annually during same period. Changes in global standards and practices impact different requirements for packaging too. All of this put customs under stressful situations, where they are expected to deal with increased trade volumes, increased and more complex global trade compliance. Thus discovering information and efficiency in global trade is very challenging.

Source: World Trade Organization “World Trade Statistical Review 2023

Challenges for human resources

It is noted, that global population is aging very fast, and the pace of population ageing is much faster nowadays than in the past. According to the World Health Organization, the proportion of the world's population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22% between 2015 and 2050. On top of that, experts with high knowledge regarding global trade compliance leave their jobs constantly. This means that global trade market participants need to keep investing into increasing global trade compliance knowledge of existing or new specialists. These challenges are visible among small and large global trade market participants. For instance, Harley Davidson lost the case against Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the origin of goods after relocating or production.

Efficient, accurate and high quality knowledge is key for successful and efficient global trade, and having access to such knowledge has become extremely valuable nowadays.

Source: World Health Organization “Ageing and health

AI Solution

Our AI solution is irreplaceable tool, which is valuable for all global trade market participants – small and large ones, individuals, companies and government institutions. The tool automates services of internal and external customers. Also, our tool accumulates knowledge, thus ensuring that it will maintain high and accurate knowledge, even if experts leave. Our technical solution – knowledge layer, which is not part of other popular LLMs (ChatGPT, Perplexity, and so on). This allows to achieve high quality and accurate results, unlike other popular LLMs. Our AI solution is additionally advanced in different languages – it can reply to questions in user’s language, even though the sources of knowledge may be in other languages. This kind of technical innovation is specific to specialized robots like our AI solution. Some of the benefits are listed below.